[These dates are from 2008 - sorry for the negligence!]
1 October: Auditioned for Cardinal Stage Company's Treasure Island & Santaland Diaries, which was mostly prepared readings from sides. They seemed to like my outlook on Snowball, and walked me through some imaginiative work on one of the two Jim Hawkins' sides. I guess they're going much older for the pirates, etc.
2 October: Auditioned for FTP Pictures' For Travis Preston, a short 'dramedy'. Cold read for a lead (Cory) and one other mystery role.
Then ushered and watched Pasquerila East Music Company's Edges, a song-cycle lightly-reminiscent of JRB.
4 October: Filmed a couple scenes (9b, 11) of TOW with fellow cast Adam Newell, Christopher Hunt and Michelle Shea Walker - I found out about 9b upon arrival; it was written the previous night. Brilliantly-sunny, apropros for the scene despite the actual temperature. A nice lunch afterwards.
5 October: Readthrough of Out the Window [later retitled Through the Window], and then they took some photos for use within the film.
7 October: Audition for an untitled feature, including cold reads both from the script (the lead, Tad) and a side from Jaws, reinterpreted per a different character description.
10 October: Filmed half of Window. Did I mention I'm starring with a SAG actress (on student hiatus), Lucy Lavely?
11 October: A meeting/readthrough for Prologue [for an ND Advanced Film Production class], then they had me record two takes of the v.o. which runs throughout the film.
That night, watched The Express again, with Kyle, Beka and Marcus. Marcus apparently missed the whole point of our going, at one point, excited and/or incredulous "What? Daniel's in this movie?!", before they all saw my moment of Hollywood fame. Kyle wondered how anyone could miss me 'mugging' up there . . .
14 October: Busy day. First, started filming a then-untitled b/w 'noir' [later: Thanks, I Owe You One] ; then, finished up on Window. Then a meeting about a stage production of The Passion of St. Marcellus for the feast day, and finally another about Prologue, checking out possible costumes and discussing scheduling and several alternate endings.
15-16 October: More filming, eventaully finished Thanks.
16 October: Watched Ironman with Jon, Justin, Dan and Kyle (I think).
20, 25, 27-29 October: Rehearsals for Marcellus, myself in the title role.
24 October: Another v.o. session for Prologue.
30 October: Two performance of Marcellus, one for a school and the public one - part of the anti-war events that day sponsored by The Center for Peace & Nonviolence of St. Joseph County.
Also filmed a scene (2) for Prologue, involving some interesting camera movement and as many extras (mostly other students from the class) as could be wrangled.
12 December 2009
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